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PR Management

after submitting a pull request, the reviewer is assigned by the CODEOWNERS.

if a PR lasts stale longer than 60 days, label it with "pr/stale" and then close it after 14 days

a PR may trigger following workflows, it should meet all of them for merging PR

action: check signed off

if a pr is not signed off, a robot comment will be update to prompted

action: check yaml file issue

you could find the reported issue description

use following to find the issue on you local machine

make lint-yaml

action: go source code check

any go file updated, will check it with following:

1 mod dependency updated, golangci-lint, gofmt updated, go vet, use internal lock pkg

2 code quality check, like codeql and gokart

3 build binary

4 unitest and upload coverage to codecov

5 action: lint license

action: license

any go or shell file should be licensed

if it belongs to spiderpool, could set it as

// Copyright 2022 Authors of spidernet-io
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

action: lint markdown file

check markdonw file format and best practice.

if it fails, the reason could refer to

you could test it on local machine with following command

make lint-markdown-format

you could tyr to justify it on local machine with following command

make fix-markdown-format

action: lint yaml file

check yaml file format and best practice.

if it fails, the reason could refer to

you could test it on local machine with following command

make lint-yaml

action: lint chart

any update about chart file under '/charts'

action: lint openapi.yaml

any update about openapi.yaml, will be checked for the yaml validation

action: other github APP

check from

action: check code spell error

check on local machine

make lint-code-spell

fix on local machine

make fix-code-spell

for ignored case, please edit .github/codespell-ignorewords and make sure all letters should be lower-case

need review

any PR need 2 review, if meet, will auto label it with "pr/approved" and "pr/need-release-label"

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